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Smart|LD Capabilities

General Capabilities of Smart|LD

Loading Generation

  • Computed from exceedance curves (Internal library and user exceedance option) – Weighted usage available. ​

  • Flight Duration/Velocity and weight matrices, Design load limit factors, one-g stress, and ground stress as user input.

Damage accumulated using Miner's rule

  • Safe-Life calculations (in # of flights and # of hours) using MC sampling

  • Accumulated damage calculation based on the user number of flight hours. ​

  • Probability of failure computed using MC sampling

Multiple Random Variables

  • Library of exceedance curves (weighted mix ok)  Option for user input exceedance. ​

  • Flight duration, a/c velocity, one-g stress, and ground stress ​

  • PSN curve constructed from constant amplitude tests

  • Option for user input PSN ​

  • Sink Rate ​

  • Random damage coefficient. ​

  • Stress Severity Factor (SSF) option

Text output files showing Monte Carlo results 

Sensitivities computed using correlation and scatter plots 

Life distribution and hazard rate calculation 


Standard Fortran 95/03, Unix and Windows 

Fleet Management

  • Loading Generation

–Computed from exceedance curves (Internal library and user exceedance option) – Weighted usage available.


–Flight Duration/Velocity and weight matrices, Design load limit factors, one-g stress, and ground stress as user input.


  • Damage accumulated using Miner’s rule

–Safe-Life calculations (in # of flights and # of hours) using MC sampling


–Accumulated damage calculation based on the user number of flight hours.


–Probability of failure computed using MC sampling


  • Multiple random variables

–Library of exceedance curves (weighted mix ok) – Option for user input exceedance.


–Flight duration, a/c velocity, one-g stress, and ground stress


–PSN curve constructed from constant amplitude tests – Option for user input PSN


–Sink Rate


–Random damage coefficient.


–Stress Severity Factor (SSF) option


  • Text output files showing Monte Carlo results


  • Sensitivities computed using correlation and scatter plots


  • Life distribution and hazard rate calculation


  • Standard Fortran 95/03, Unix and Windows


  • GUI


  • Fleet Management

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